Sunday, June 5, 2016

Hogwarts is my Home

It was the middle of the afternoon and I was back at school, sitting in my on-campus apartment with some friends. We'd decided to have a Harry Potter marathon. As we were watching the first movie, I suddenly remembered the small role I had in one of the later movies - in which my child acting was so bad that the producers decided to write my character out of the rest of the series. I was really proud of my appearance in a Harry Potter movie, but really ashamed of my performance. I decided not to say anything to my friends, hoping we wouldn't make it to that movie before calling it a night.

Flash forward to late that evening - the sun's gone down and even though the campus is a pretty safe one I don't want a female friend of mine to walk home alone. I walk her back to her dorm, no problem. On my way back to my apartment, I run into an acquaintance and we stop to have some awkward small talk. A professor comes up behind us and tells us to run. I look back in the direction of the dorm where I'd just dropped my friend off and see Voldemort swooping through the air, heading in my direction. The acquaintance and I take off, running towards my apartment. Professor Lupin is on our heels, his robes billowing out behind him. We get to the building and I fumble with the key. Finally, I hear the lock click and I pull the door wide open. The acquaintance runs inside with me and we quickly close the door behind us. Apparently a locked door has the power to stop the Dark Lord. Lupin stays outside to fight off Voldemort and protect any other students who might wander outside.

Safe inside the building, I make it up half way up a flight of stairs before my heart stops racing and I am able to turn and look at the acquaintance beside me. The acquaintance has morphed into Draco Malfoy and I, a proud Gryffindor, scoff at him, "What are you doing here? You don't belong in this apartment tower. You sleep in the dungeon." To which he responds, "Yeah, well, I didn't want to end up dead, so I had to come in here. Sorry." He was clearly not sorry. He turned and went downstairs to the lower level of the apartment building. Draco would wait there until morning, when Voldemort would be gone and he would be safe to return to Slytherin's on-campus housing (whatever that may have been). Meanwhile, I marched up the rest of the stairs to my apartment and preceded to go to bed.

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